Breaking News
lunedì 10 febbraio 2014

Info Post

What will the devastating funding cuts really mean for GB Water polo.
Here is our story.

Leggi questo drammatico e terribilmente attuale articolo-appello.

My name is Angie Winstanley – Smith and I am a 28 year old water polo player. A few days ago my sport received some devastating news, our funding towards the next Olympics has been totally cut. I want people to hear my story, our story about a sport that has progressed beyond belief since the Beijing Olympics in 2008.
Where it all began…
Our journey began 3 years before Beijing so let me take you back to the day we found out the Olympic bid was successful: 6th July 2005. I’ll remember for the rest of my life when I heard our nation would be hosting the greatest sporting event in existence. I was with Chloe Wilcox and Rosie Morris, who like me are still water polo players, who, until today believed we were part of the London Olympic Legacy to change our sport forever. Chloe ran into my room in the student accommodation Rosie and Chloe rented, jumped on my bed screaming Ange we are going to the Olympics… although very naïve at this point, we thought things couldn’t get better than a home Olympics.
Let me share with you some facts about the Great Britain Women’s Water Polo team back in and around 2005. We had finished 6th at the European B Championships the previous year, which would make us officially the 14th placed team in Europe. 

5 commenti:

  1. Per chiunque volesse aiutare gli sport di squadra in UK ad essere ancora supportati economicamente, questo e' il link per firmare la petizione che e' stata creata:

    Grazie a tutti e sopratutto a Spreading Waterpolo!

  2. Si, in tal caso si puo' usare questo indirizzo:

    2 Booth St E, Ardwick, Manchester M13 9SS.

    E' quello dell' "High Performance Center" a Manchester. Grazie a chiunque volesse firmare la petizione, e' un grande aiuto non solo allo sport in UK ma a tutto il movimento di pallanuoto globale, un modo per farlo continuare a crescere!


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