Scaldate i motori, perchè siamo a pochi giorni dall'inizio delle Olimpiadi. Dopo aver proposto le presentazioni di Estiarte e Felugo, ecco un interessante articolo, corredato da video, su 3 indiscussi protagonisti della pallanuoto mondiale di oggi: Gergely Kiss, Tony Azevedo e Filip Filipovic.
Of all the so-called "minor" sports at the Summer Olympics few capture the attention of fans quite like water polo, where teams from across the globe compete in a high-scoring game that's part team handball, part swimming and all excitement.Here's a glance at a trio of players to look out for when the water polo competition kicks off July 29, from a three-time Olympic champion to the reigning world player of the year and the best hope for the United States to end a gold medal drought that has lasted for more than a century.Gergely Kiss, HungaryThe 34-year-old captain of the Hungarian national team is not only a three-time gold medal winner and the best left-handed water polo player in the world, but also a star of stage and screen, as Gergely Kiss portrayed a Soviet player in the 2006 film Children of Glory, which detailed the infamous "Blood in the Water" match between Hungary and the Soviet Union at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics...
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